The Properties of Matrices


Goal: For the students to recognize the properties of matrices and to find the inverse of the matrix.



Algebraic Properties of Matrix Operations

In this page, there are some general results about the three operations: addition(subtraction), multiplication, and scalar multiplication.

From now on, we will not write m-by-n but mxn.


<Properties involving Addition>


Let A, B, and C be mxn matrices. We have:

1. A+B = B+A (commutative property)

2. (A+B) + C = A + (B+C) (associative property)

3. A + O = A where O is the mxn zero-matrix (all its entries are equal to 0) (the identity of addtion)

4. A+B = O if and only if B = -A. (the inverse of addition)



<Properties involving Multiplication>


1. Let A, B, and C be three matrices. If you can perform the products AB, (AB)C, BC, and A(BC), then we have:

(AB)C = A (BC). (associative property)

Note, for example, that if A is nxm, B is mxk, and C is kxl, then the above products are possible (in this case, (AB)C is nxl matrix).

2. If and are real numbers, and A is a matrix, then we have:

3. If is a real number, and A and B are two matrices such that the product is possible, then we have:

4. If A is an nxm matrix and O the mxk zero-matrix, then AO = O.

Note that AO is the nxk zero-matrix. So if n is different from m, the two zero-matrices are different.

5. In general, when the product AB and BA are possible. Thus, multiplication of matrix is not commutative.


<Properties involving Addition and Multiplication>


1. Let A, B, and C be three matrices. If you can perform the appropriate products, then we have:

(A+B)C = AC + BC


A(B+C) = AB + AC (distributive properties)

2. If and are real numbers, A and B are matrices, then we have:



There is a worksheet for multiplication.




<Identity and Inverse of Matrix>


- Identity Matrix

We have seen that matrix multiplication is different from normal multiplication (between real numbers). Are there some similarities? For example, is there a matrix which plays a similar role as the number 1?

(i.e., when is a real number, x1=1x=.)

The answer is yes. Indeed, there is a matrix which plays like the number 1 considering the nxn matrix.

In particular, we have:

The matrix In has similar behavior as the number 1 in multiplication. For any nxn matrix A, we have:

The matrix In is called the Identity Matrix of order n (the identity of multiplication).

We can consider having the identity of multiplication as one of properities involving multiplication.

The identity matrix behaves like the number 1 not only among the matrices of the form nxn. Indeed, for any nxm matrix A, we have:

In particular, we have:



- Inverse Matrix

Definition. An nxn matrix A is called nonsingular or invertible iff there exists an nxn matrix B such that

where In is the identity matrix. The matrix B is called the Inverse matrix of A.

We can consider having the inverse of multiplication as one of properities involving multiplication.

Notatio: A common notation for the inverse of a matrix A is . So:


Let's find the inverse of




Since , we get

From E2, we can get:


Plug this into E4.

From E3, we can get:

Plug this into E1.

So, we can also find e and f by plugging g and h.

Thus, there is the inverse of A

Therefore, we can present :

The inverse matrix is unique when it exists. So if A is invertible, then is also invertible and

The following basic property is very important: If A and B are invertible matrices, then AB is also invertible and

Since , we can know that .



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